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How can I fix my John Lewis 100 sewing machine bobbin?

I have taken apart my bobbin for a JL100 sewing machine and it won't go back together again properly. I have lost the instruction manual too - any advice would be great
Lora, April 2009
Thanks very much I found the correct Brother make - it is the same as a Brother LS2125
A link to the user manual is here http://welcome.solutions.brother.com/BSC/public/eu/gb/en/model_top/HomeSewingMachine/hf_ls2125euk.html?reg=eu&c=gb&lang=en&prod=hf_ls2125euk

Lora, April 2009
Hello Lora,
Your machine is made by Brother for John Lewis and they have their own model numbers, if you email me I can attach pictures of the raceway or you can email a picture, you can find my email address on any answer from page 25 down, this site no longer allows email addresses to be shown.

drivewithken, April 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for John Lewis.