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Belle mixer 150 electric motor hums and stalls?

My Belle electric mixer seems weak - sometimes it turns when I switch it on, then stops when I put a small load in. I can hear power is getting to the motor, because it hums - like the motor is partially burnt out. Sometimes it just needs a spin to get it going, then OK, but most of the time it won't spin when switched on - it just hums. Can anyone help ?
Bryan, April 2009
Just buy a new mixer !!

Bob, November 2009
Peccavi's suggestion is probably correct (and don't mind him - if he thought he was out of his depth, he wouldn't say anything!).
The most common type of electric motor is an induction motor. It needs to create a rotating magnetic field to run. In large industrial machinery, this comes from a 3 phase supply. In small machinery to be run from a domestic supply, there is only one phase available, so this problem is overcome by using a capacitor to produce a 90 degree phase shift in the voltage which results in a rotating magnetic field. Without the capacitor there would not be any/enough torque on the motor shaft which is why it doesn't move. You'll know this type of motor because it has a bulge on the side of the motor housing to accomodate the capacitor.

J, April 2009
An appliance repair shop may help you - I am dangerously trained on stuff like this (I think I know more than I actually know) but is sounds like the motor start/ motor run capacitor to me.

Good luck...

Peccavi, April 2009