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how do i fix brake disc squeal on a citroen c5 2.l petrol?

i own a citroen c5 2.lt petrol 2002 model . it has a bad brake disc squeal and i would like to fix it as it is driving (no pun intended) me mad. thanks
james wilton, April 2009
sorry forgot to add the reason why this causes the squeeling, the claipers end up forced at a light angle from square due to the corrosion

Mark D, April 2009
if your car is like my C5 its an alloy rear axle. what i found out after weeks and weeks of investigation , the brake caliper is steel and reacts with the alloy axle what you have to do is take off the caliper (no mean feat i can tell you, use quality tools) the clean off the corrosion you will find there and apply some preventative to corrosion) I used a good dolop of coppaslip grease. rebolt on the caliper and fit new pads hey presto squeeling removed.

Mark D, April 2009
most brake squeals are caused by faulty discs as well as pads renew using same quality or better than OE parts

DEREK, April 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Citroen C5.