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how can i fix my Bose ipod docking station?

My Ipod Docking station makes a very low clicking noise and will not play music
Any ideas
steve jervis, April 2009
my music keeps cutting out on my sound dock

stacey, June 2013
thanx same clicking noise relieved bose ok

BILL, April 2011
ipod docking system had sound one day then no sound
can you help?

howard Train, August 2010
walker I totally love you too! it absolutely was the fact that the cord was plugged in upside down!! why the hell it even fits I dont know, but man was I pissed thinking it was a goner....Thank you so much!!!!

Lillygirl, April 2010
Walker,i LOVE you! I had same problem as the others here did what you said and it worked! You have saved my New Years Eve!

Jerry, December 2009
your power cable may be plugged into the bose in the wrong orientation. i had just a clicking sound and no music. i saw this fix online, and i looked at how the power cable was plugged into the back of the sound dock. it was not turned in the right direction. when i turned it the right way and plugged it back in, voila!

walker, December 2009
mine has same problem. Clearly, it's recurrent

robert L, November 2009
Same has happened to me. Does anyone have any advice???

Carys, September 2009
I have the same problem, did you ever get an answer as this would appear to be a common problem?

Dean, August 2009
link Click here to see other fixes for Bose.