How can I stick pieces which have come off my crystal ornaments?

I have some crystal ornaments small animals etc, when I washed them last time one or two small pieces came off,foot off elephant spike from hedgehog etc I have tried supergluing them but they fall off again.
What can I use?
Nid, May 2009

And buy yourself an attractive enclosed glass case to display your treasures in, or a low glass dome to cover them. That way, you can clean the case easily and never have to wet your ornaments again.

ibstubro, November 2009
make sure you remove ALL old glue, Before you re-glue parts together
you may need to use cellotape/or other such item to hold parts in position untill glue has set.
I have used `Blue/white` packet of araldite, for this often in the past for customers peices to good effect.

Journeyman Jeweller, August 2009
Selleys also makes an optically clear Araldite which will work as well.

Grum, June 2009
For this you need Loctite Glass Glue - specially made for these sort of items.

John, May 2009