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How can I fix My GE Microwave DE68-00307A?

My GE Microwave quit working - DE68-00307A...Everything stopped including turntable, interior light and turntable. I am wondering if it could be an internal fuse that has gone bad. Can someone give me some ideas on how to fix it? I know they are not expensive to replace, but prefer not to be wasteful if this one can be repaired. Thanks for your help! ;)
Queenii, May 2009
My microwave is heating but sometimes keyboard doesn't work, but microwave still stay working and turned on.
The screen ir working just when I press the butons that it not work.

Liander, January 2013
Hi Queenii, the cause of a complete failure in most microwave ovens is the machines deliberate blowing of its internal monitor fuse. Now a fuse is designed to blow when the conditions it is monitoring reach a point that could be harmful to you or itself. Fuses do not blow usually without good reason, so you need to ascertain why ? Best not to mess about with a machine that runs at four thousand volts and is capable of lethal shock even when unplugged !!!! Best to call an engineer or take it into a local specialist. If they are any good they will have a relatively small inspection fee.
My contact details are on

kindest regards

patrick, June 2009