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whats wrong with my transit van diesel engine ?

my 2.5 transit diesel, non turbo. 1996 ticks over but won't rev. started doing this all of a sudden. no warning ! cam belt is fairly new. no fuel leaks, maybe injector pump ?
Roger Ditchburn. West Yorkshire, January 2006
do i need any special tool to remove the injector of my transit 55 plate

joe, January 2011
Check fuel filter ...diesels are very dependent on fuel pressure in the sytem .....make sure all the injection pump linkage is ok ect.....but almost sounds like the governer in injection pump has gone out .......just try not to over look the easy stuff firs because injection pump over haul or replacement can get $$$$

bg, January 2006
link Click here to see other fixes for Transit.

I can answer this question ...

whats wrong with my transit van diesel engine ?