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How can I stop Messenger Service popups?

Recently I have started to get popup messages appearing on my PC. The messages are titled "Messenger Service" and are a "warning" message stating that this form of spam message is likely to become a real nuisance. The message suggests I should use a product called "www.messagestop.net"

Obviously the only spam of this type I have ever had has been from www.messagestop.net. They are the only [quote "scam popup"] that I have had.

How can I stop these messages appearing without using www.messagestop.net?
Dan P S, December 2003
thanks alan. one important note to people is that this feature is part of your operating system. it was designed to allow network administrators to send users a message. don't blame msn messenger.

PT, December 2003
There is no need to buy the product at www.messagestop.net

Microsoft have published instructions detailing how to disable Messenger Service popups. Go to http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/using/howto/communicate/stopspam.asp

- Click Start and then click Control Panel.
- Double-click Administrative Tools.
- Double-click Services.
- Double-click Messenger.
- In the Startup type list, choose Disabled.
- Click Stop, and then click OK.

This should disable the Messenger Service popups (for free.)

Alan, December 2003