My father was a Master Plumber and I grew up doing plumbing repairs. I hope this helps you out. To help thaw out currently frozen pipes, it would help to know where they are and what kind of house you live in. Living in a mobile home will have different solutions than living in a house. If the frozen pipes are located under your kitchen sink, open up the cabinets so that the colder air inside there can escape out to the rest of the room. This will take a little while. You could also attempt to slowly warm the pipes with a hair dryer. Ultimately, you need to get some warmth to the pipes. If your frozen pipes are under a mobile home, you will need to get bundled up to go under the mobile home and slowly heat the pipes until it thaws. If those pipes are plastic, apply heat to them with caution. Here are some suggestions to prevent future problems. When you have cold weather coming in, open the cupboards that contain water pipes. This will allow the room temperature to mix in with the colder air in the cabinet (this is extremely effective if your water pipes are on an outside wall). You can leave the cold water dribbling in one of the sinks. Running water is harder to freeze. Wrapping the pipes with insulation will ultimately help. And again if you live in a mobile home, insulating the piping under the home and putting extra insulation around the perimeter of the base will help out tremendously.
Jacob, February 2006