My boiler has no thermostat connected. This is surely wrong?
I have just rented a house and found that there is no central heating thermostat connected. The landlord assures me that I can regulate the room tempurature using the water temp disl on the boiler, but i have the very strong feeling that he doesn't know what he is talking about.
Any form of central heating boiler must be connected to a room thermostat, surely?
As I understand it, the dial on the boiler (Worcester 24i RSF combi) just regulates the temperature that it heats the water to before pumping it around the radiators. Or is it just the water tempurature to the taps? either way it can't control the central heating.
Can someone, preferably with some evidence, please let me know if I'm right or wrong.
Many thanks,
Martin Bryant, October 2009