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how can i fix my ge advantium microwave oven?

My ge advantium 120 microwave oven went completely dead in the middle of using the convection oven setting. It has no power at all. From what I have learned it could be the fuse. I took the panel off and I can see the two fuses. Would it be dangerous for me to remove and replace them myself?
gjt156, October 2009
Hi, it is no problem to replace fuses in your machine, just please remember that fuses are fitted as a safety device, in other words when a fuse fails, it succeeds. Fuses blow because they are there to protect a circuit from catastrophic failure, so unless you are competant to diagnose the fault leave it alone. By all means replace the fuse with an exact equivalent but Whatever happens please remember you are messing around in a piece of equipment that runs at 4000volts and due to the design of its circuitry under certain fault conditions it remains lethal months after having been disconnected from the mains supply. its not rocket science as they say, but it is not for the layman either. Contact me via if you need further help.

patrick, October 2009