Sorry to hear of your trouble. My Technika 19 inch tv has just developed the same problem, two years and three months old. Tesco's help-line told me there was nothing they could do to help, so I took it to an independent repair centre, which charged me £30 to look at it. They report that it is not repairable since the mother board has failed and parts are no longer available (on a 2 year old product?) The reason the mother board failed was one of the four metal brackets which secure the screen inside snapped off its two tiny plastic screw-mountings and fell onto the board. Apparently, these tvs have only three significant components: screen, mother board and power pack. If any of these fail the tv is a write off. If tv repairers know this, charging £30 for something they could have told me without me handing the set over for "investigative work" seems questionable. I'm going to take the matter up with Tesco, given this is a failure caused by a fault in the assembly of the tv (the bracket fits on a tilt whilst the screws bite into the plastic prods straight - a sure fire way to induce plastic fatigue, it seems to me. Hope you have better luck. I will think twice before I buy another non-branded tv, AND take out insurance. £30 spent on an extended warranty now seems better value than the £30 I spent on a doomed tv repair attempt plus a £200 tv write-off! Does anyone out there have an identical model (LCD191D-107) tv with a failed screen or power pack - by combining the working elements a functioning tv might be assembled.
Carl Fincham, December 2009