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How do i stop my boiler being noisy?

I have Baxi solo 50RS boiler which I have had trouble with for some time. My heating system was new when the house was built nearly 8 years ago, since then I have had 2 pumps 3 new three way valves a new water thermostat and a new heat exchanger for the boiler which I fitted myself. The heat exchanger was supplied free by Baxi as I was told this type of boiler had a manufacturing fault on the heat exchanger. It would now seem the heat exchanger has again failed as the boiler is making some terrible noises like a kettle but 10 times as loud.

Do you think this is the problem and if so is their any way of stopping it happening again?
Stephen Boardman, January 2004
Derek ........ and your solution was ....?

Guru, November 2004
Your boiler is 'Kettling' I'm afraid, the fitter (he wasn't a plumber) did not calculate the output required for you system and bunged in 'a good un' so now when it kicks in, it make loads of really hot water that can not be used by the system and is furring everything up, jamming valves and making an awful noise. thats the trouble with kids today they think that biggest is best.

Derek, June 2004
link Click here to see other fixes for Baxi.