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No cold water from taps or toilets dont fill?

Do i simply have frozen pipes? I have bags of hot water from taps shower etc but no cold water from taps or going to washer, dishwasher etc - juts happened this morning after last nights minus 18 temperatures

Please help
dontknowdiy, January 2010
my two cents: the pipes are just about thawing out now (we are led to believe but still I have no water hot or cold and toilet too.

Is there possibly an air lock in the pipes and is there a nack to getting that solved without calling the plumber or going to the diy shop.

Well,.. at least we are learning a great lesson in how useful and necessary that good ol H20 is and that we should be so grateful for it.
Sorry I didnt post an answer to th original Q

Paul, January 2010
Is all your hot water coming from a storage tank.

tammyshanter, January 2010