I cant send emails? Please help me!!!?

I have Windows XP and Outlook Express 6. I can receive my emails but I cant send them. When I click the message it says, One or more of the messages cant be displayed. Not enough memory. The bottom of the screen isnt visible either. And I am sure I have enough memory. I also have errors when I try an play POGO. It says no such interface, what is that?
Barbara Pakay, April 2006

if your are on gmail tell me and ill run you through it

Mwc, February 2011
Are you sending emails through your internet provider or another account? If you check your account settings in Outlook express you will see a POP3 or SMTP server address, is it the same as your internet provider?

Darren, April 2006
Install Mozilla Thunderbird. Its much better than Outlook Express and its free.

Terry, April 2006