Either drain cleaner solution if suitable to use for blocked toilets obtainable at most DIY or hardware stores.
Sink plunger [rubber cup type with long wood/plastic handle]
Caustic soda, Rubber gloves disposal type ok
Or Drain rod set if you can hire or borrow either all the better.
sink plunger: place over the pan outlet at bottom of pan press down on plunger then let it come up do this about six times rapid this can cause enough pressure to push the blockage out.
Drain rod set : Screw rubber disc on one rod plunge same as above and only turn the rod clockwise or the tool end will undo and may get stuck then you'll have the messy job of putting hand in to retreive the rods plunger. Clean rod/plunger after with a sollution of bleach water to sterilize. If you have to clear a manhole get duck tape and tape all rod joints including the tool end to help prevent rods undoing if you forget and turn the rods anit-clockwise.
Another method is to mix caustic soda in a bucket of near boiling water [if bucket domestic plastic one] pour in good measure of caustic soda then pour this into the pan follow it up with another mix, in many cases I've done the above when ours gets blocked. if it still is blocked check the manhole the toilet feeds in to as it could be the manhole blocked and not just the toilet.
BOB, January 2010