55reg sprinter does start bt having to crank it over an over fr bwt 5/7 mins befor it starts..... i have had fuel pressure regulater seals changed, fuel inlet pipe on filter has had a one way valve put on aswell but it has had no effect can any one help???? but if u spry easy stat on inlet flow it would start with out prob... injectors have hi pressure so fuel is ther .... temp switch has also bin changed....
common fault, injectors... get someone to do a manual leak off test and carry out a quick test with a compact 4.... like me, i cover London, and UK for injector removal/ start error....
williamsdiesels.com, February 2010
how about the glow plugs.
or the glow plug relay are they working ?
go on a code reader, this will flag up the faults .
wirecutterman, January 2010
Needs putting on a diagnostic tester to see if any fault codes are logged