The bearings appear to have totally gone in my widl126, i washed a coat the other day and it sounded like i was washing a brick! so now i am left with the task of stripping them out and replacing them. luckily im an engineering buyer and deal with a local bearing company, who can sort me out with new bearings dirt cheap... but i have other problems. the bolt which holds the drum wheel / main bearing in has seized, and upon trying to force it off has rounded off. my only option now i think is to take a chisel to it, but im now concerned it may be a left hand bolt. i need to know is it left hand or right hand thread? i can only see one bearing, which i can get a replacement for but i need to know sizes of other bearing, cant see it. does anyone know which bearings i need for this model so i can get them bought this morning before shop closes? many thanks in advance... nick.
nick, January 2010