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what can I use to seal a cracked plastic soil pipe?

I have a plastic soil pipe that has a crack and is leaking where it passes through a reinforced concrete floor between my bathroom and the utility room beneath it. To strip this out and replace it will be a major and expensive undertaking as it is towards the end of the system from two bathrooms and has all solvent welded joints. Is there a product that can be injected or sprayed into the 5cm gap around this pipe that will effectively seal the leak.
M. J. Wilson, February 2010
Visit the sewer centre website an look up 'localised epoxy resin repairs', I believe there is a hire scheme for the equipment you will need in addition to the patch. My best advice is to get a professional in to do this as I have completed hundreds over the last few years and if it goes wrong then the result is a disaster

Chris, February 2010