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Can the bearings be repaired/replaced LG 7KG intellowasher?

I have an LG 7kg intello washer 3,4 years old, works well but when it spins fast it makes a horrible rubbing noise that increases i n frequency as the drum speeds up, it can move about a bit too, Im sure the drum is off balance, bearings are gone, maybe both. I haven't opened it up to have a look can anyo ne advise please ?
Ian Mac, March 2010
remove rear panel 4 self tappimg screws see if there is any play in the motor, pinch the small pulley of the motor and see if there is any sideplay if there is any play you will need new motor drum bearings dont usually go motor normally goes first.

good luck

allen.autoelecs, May 2010
bearings can be replaced but its a BIG DIY job or an expensive callout/repair

ck, March 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for LG Intellowasher.