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manual for Binatone Fusion 2510 ?

where can i get a free download for the manual for the Binatone Fusion 2510 main phone. i have the instructions for the cordless handset.
Karen, March 2010
does anyone have a manual for a binatone fusion 2510 answer machine phone i have resently bouyght the answer machine 2nd hand but cant use it due to not having a manual i cant record a message or set the answer machine to answer calls any help would be great fully recieved i have tryed to down load manuals off internet with no suscess so far :(

faye, November 2013
Can someone help with Binatone fusion 2510 triple ..
How can I transfer an outcoming call from the "phone - with answermachine" to the headset ???
I´m from DK and need a manual for triple

Lilli Westermann, May 2010
I have the manual for the Binatone 2510
I do, however, need the instructions for the cordless unit!

Nick, May 2010
ooops didnt read it properly lol
i can post a manual to you if you like?

emma, March 2010

Emma, March 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for Binatone.