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glow worm boiler no hot water?

i replaced a flandge and had to release water from the emersion heater.put it back together turned the water back on only to find i now have no hot water the heating is fine could air get traped in the system if so how would i be able to release it
pete. g, March 2010
open all hot taps, cross link a cold water main into the hot pipework and open for a few seconds, that should shift it, best place is often a kitchen where you will have hot and cold washing machine taps, ideal has you have the 2 feeds close together and isolators in situe, perfect!

RAWPLUMB, March 2010
yes i have cold mains & gravity hot in the bath room

pete.g, March 2010
have you got a cold mains gravity hot taps in the bathroom ?

hi-spec plumbing & heating (essex), March 2010
thanks for that.what would i need to do to release the air lock

pete.g, March 2010
you got an airlock in the top of the cylinder pipework.

hi-spec plumbing & heating (essex), March 2010