Recently had the battery replaced and obviously now the unit is asking for the keycode. The code I was supplied with (0221) just will not work! The unit type is FD 500N, Serial No. M254491, can anyone help?
hay88. Thanks for your time and trouble,really appreciated! Checked the serial number as suggested, totally different, keycode written on the back of unit. problem solved, once again thanks for your help:-)
MikeR, March 2010
push No 1for first digit until 0
push No 2for second digit until 2
push No 3 for third digit untill 2
push No 4 for forth digit untill 1
then push No 5 for a few seconds to store
ps. if not No 5 then No 6
hay88, March 2010
hi mike Serial No. M254491 = 0221
please check your serial again then if diffrent let me know and i will help.