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wirquin toilet cistern?

Recently my wirquin toilet cistern started dribbling water into the pan.I have taken the internal unit out & cleaned the limescale type residue off of both sides of the seating rubber washer but it still dribbles.Can a new rubber washer be purchased or can i purchase a new syphon mechanism for want of better name?
I do not have a model or type identification but it looks very much like the jolly tank internal
Does anybody know a local stockist to the Medway Towns ME4 6UT KENT

Keith Godfrey
Keith Godfrey, March 2010
Hace tiempo compre un pack de un economizador de agua MW90, universal, de wirquin adaptable a roca y ahora se me ha ocurrido montarlo, y me encuentro con la desagradable sorpresa al abrirlo, que me falta el pulsador. Donde seria posible encontrar esa pieza solamente?

Victor, July 2013
I have only just discovered this site. You've probably fixed it by now, but if not, I was able to get a replacement washer at a plumbers' merchant. I just took the old one as a sample, told the bloke it was from a Wirquin & he came back with something that did the job.

http://www.wirquin.com/pro-gb-produits.html was quite useful for background info, manuals etc..

Ray, August 2010

Suffick, March 2010