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Ideal Standard ?

My toilet is making a terrible noise like a water pressure noise when flushing. If I take the cistern lid off and move the plastic tube it stops it. I need to replace the thin plastic sheet like thing ( sorry I dont know what its called)
but can't seem to find one anywhere help !!!
Amanda Gallagher, March 2010
when you say long plastic sheet "do you mean the part in the middle of the cistern , were the water goes in to the bowel, its like a flask" its called digafram", and it has a mesh bottom on it , but you cant see this , sometimes it rips , so only half of the flask" is working , thats why the noise is so bad,, you can try B&Q , but there are different types, , if your cistern has a white plastic pipe. comming out of it going to bowel , you can get a standard digafram, but ask at the shop

mark, March 2010