Static Electricity?
I used my 10-year-olds Mp3 player and then got little jolt of electricity in my ears through the ear buds. Ever since this jolt the MP3 Player will not allow us to increase the volume. This wouldn't be so bad if not for the the fact that I had it a a volume level of 3. That sucks BIG TIME for a 10-year-old trying to tune out her liitle sister. They give a 1-year-warranty but what happens when that year is up and you did nothing wrong to break the device. I CAN NOT afford to buy her another one and I have to say NO!!!! to any sports or after school activities and now all I can say about the one thing I could buy her as a single Mom of three daughters is maybe Santa will bring you a new one next year. I BROKE IT,AND I CAN'T REPLACE TILL I SAVE. Is this something that you come across often or did I truly do something wrong? I just want to know if you have heard of this problem before with the static electricityor not? If not fix it in future development so other people don't have to deal with this problem. This is definitely somrthing to be addressed because their are familys out there struggling and trying to give their kids everything that the other kids have.
Robin Carter, March 2010