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How can I replace adoor handle on GE Spacemaker Microwave Model# JVM1350ww0?

How do I replace a broken handle on GE Spacemaker XL Microwave oven (model # JVM1350ww002)
bud, May 2006
1. I removed the top handle screw on the inside of the door (visible)
2. I removed the plastic seal from around the glass window on the inside of the door (pried out with screw driver; comes out easily)
3. I removed the lower handle screw on the inside of the door (hidden under the plastic seal)
4. Replaced the handle and screws
5. Re-installed the plastic seal
6. Door works like new.

Mike S., July 2009
The bottom screw on my door is broken. The head of the top screw is inside the door. I can't locate the head of the bottom screw. Is it in the handle or do I have to take to whole door apart? Does anyone know?

Cathy, March 2009

several customer how to's on this simple replacement

Call Johnny 408 2949500 for lowest price

bob bigalow, January 2008
go to and go to parts you can order a new one

Jenny, June 2007
I have the same issue. Did you ever receive an answer? If so, please post the answer.

Scott, May 2007