Hey Mord,
Thanks for the detailed info, which confirms repair info I’ve discovered elsewhere.
My first experience at a real world auction resulted in my acquiring a “Cello E1906DVB [which] wont come off standby” for a friend. Now I’d like to get it working for her, with a little help from the kindness of strangers [1]. So I think the first thing I need to know is exactly where the dodgy capacitors are located.
Here’s a detailed picture of the Cello E 1906DVB’s LP190403 PSU:
» photo – http://bit.ly/LP190403
» (source: http://www.tradezz.com/buy_3441400_lamps-CCFL-lcd.htm )
Could you please:
1. Take a copy of the photo
2. Annotate it with the position of the “the 12v output 1000uf 16v capacitors that have failed” (eg: with OpenOffice.org Draw [2])
3. Upload your annotated photo (to, eg: Photobucket, Flickr [3]) and add a link to a reply in this thread.
For example: here’s an example of marking up the suspect capacitors; NB: these are most likely NOT the “the 12v output 1000uf 16v capacitors that have failed” – this is merely an illustration of how their actual correct location could be illustrated by somebody who DOES know their where they are
» photo – http://bit.ly/SampleMarkup
Thanks in advance for your time, attention, and kindness.
Share and Enjoy, Dainian
[1] The kindness of strangers:
• “Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.”
~ Blanche DuBois, in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ (1947), by Tennessee Williams (1911-1983)
[2] OpenOffice.org Draw:
» about – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenOffice.org_Draw
» free download – http://www.openoffice.org
[3] Photobucket, Flickr:
» http://photobucket.com
» http://flickr.com
Tim Dalinian Jones, September 2011