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tap not working?

i noticed the hot water tap was only turning half way and after running for a few seconds the water was reduced to a trickle. i have tried removing the top and sprayed wd 40 on it to try to loosen it but now am back to just a quater turn and no hot water. any ideas?
netty, April 2010
My husband replaced our taps in the shower with new ones. We have grafity feed for the hot water and an inground water tank with a pump for the cold water. After he finished changing the taps I used the shower and it worked ok then the next morning the hot water tap when turned on does not give any hot water at all. I think this is a similar problem to what you are having so I hope someone answers us both lol. Fortunately we have 2 showers so we can use the other one until we find out how to get hot water out of the other shower.

Jude, April 2010