do a factory reset then rescan worked for me. it depend,s were you are in the country if you,ll get your channels back. vm is now using nagravision 3 which once compleatly rolled out will make all cable boxes( except vm) useless good luck.
the kid 71, May 2010
CF 53 0C 33 79 61 71 85
52 5E 8D 45 FC 75 F6 4A
Becki, April 2010
if it says no signal its more than likely a loose conection yes virgin have cut some channels but not them all i would check your leads you still get sports channels
jimmy mac, April 2010
- virgin have found a way to block all star view box's don't know how they did it but they have,.sorry for the bad news, but if i here of away round it i will let you know,,,,,,,,