It seems my needle is no longer synchronised with the thing that catches the upper thread when it comes down underneath. The result is a complete mess at the back of the fabric, and after a handful of stitches the mess efficiently stops the machine from proceeding. I suppose what I need to do is what is called "retiming". Can anybody tell me how to do it?
OK, I shall have a look at the tension just shortly. Would be happy about timing instructions anyhow, since it has annoyed me so many times and I have decided to try myself next time, whether it is now or later. I'll contact you, thank you!
Ingrid, May 2010
Hello Ingrid,
Sounds more like having to reset the tensions than anything else, if you type my address as you say it and not as you see it I will attach timing instructions.
drivewithken at blueyonder dot co dot uk, May 2010