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How do I reinstall Yahoo Mail programs?

I somehow have lost the color in my email for yahoo, I can not move messages,I can not reply and I can not edit anything. I belive I somehow lost some files during the problems last week with Yahoo. I have tried to go into options and add colors but nothing happens.
Please help.
Donna Lee, June 2006
I have yahoo mail and I belong to a christian group that sends me what we call posts. The color of those posts are blue but something happened and there blacked out so i can't open the posts. Can you please help me, Thank you Ray

Raymond Logan, April 2013
hahoo mail with all programs

cryss, March 2008
I need to install the new vergine of the yahoo massinger program

Haqi, February 2007
Thanks folks for all the help

Donna Lee, June 2006