THERE IS A LEAK!. It is filling up the drip tray and tripping the micro switch. On my model (kdw1274w),remove the lid(2 screws at rear),givng access to screws on top of right side panel,remove right side panel, you will have to remove plastic cover on bottom front first to give access to screws on side panel. This gives access to the hoses and such, where the leak is most likely coming from. I would buy some inch and a half to 2 inch hose clips first, as the clips on the machine are not really reusable.The machine will have to be put on its left side, you may have to remove the bottom drip tray also, this holds the micro switch and the polystyrene float. You may have to run the machine to see where the leak is coming from, It is time consuming, but very "doable", remember electricity and water do not mix,unplug and make sure everything is dry, particularly yourself!.
raymond croal, November 2010