Resetting time and date on IBM TP 600X?
I have an IBM TP 600X. I had a problem with my keyboard. I had set a PUP on in in the BIOS. I did an upgrade of the bios by flashing, since I do not have a floppy drive bay. I remember still being able to access the BIOS settings. Afterwards I reinstalled Windows XP and without knowing the importance deleted a small partion of about 7MB, since then I cannot access any BIOS settings.
After the problem with the keyboard, I tried to reset the PUP by disconnecting the battery and the CMOS battery of course with no success. Afterwards I found the Maintanance Manuel told me how to reset the PUP using the Password Pads. I did that successfully. I was left with the request for a blank password. I also found that there is a cable to connect to the mouse input to allow a keyboard and mouse to connect. Now I get Error codes 161, 163 and another but cannot access the BIOS to reset the time and date. I also cannot mount the internal HD using a USB box to another computer. That small partion, is it necessary for the BIOS access? can I load it somehow on the HD? How can I get access the HD, there are some important files on there. How can I reset or set the time and date?
Please help.
Avigdor Yoseif, July 2006