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Can I fix my Hotpoint WD420 myself or do I need an engineer?

I have a Hotpoint Aquarius WD420 which has just stopped working. It made some electrical sparking noises and just stopped. All the neon lights work, and each program light works individually but when you push the start button nothing happens, it won't fill, the drum won't turn, nothing. My wife thinks the brushes need renewing, I think it's the programmer. Any ideas please. Whatever it is, can I do it myself or do I have to wait for a week (yes a week) for the Hotpoint engineer. My wife is disabled and we need to use the machine daily. The machine is covered by insurance. Thank You.
Phill Martin, December 2010
Thanks, Frosty. You were right about the door lock light, I'll give it a go. Now all I need is to find somewhere that sells the brushes!. Thanks again. Phill.

Phill Martin, December 2010
if the door locks physically but the door lock light doesn't come on then your wife is right get her to change the brushes

frosty, December 2010
link Click here to see other fixes for Hotpoint Aquarius.