I have friends in charlotte NC and baltimore who service GBC machines, unfortunately your about half way between them:( On monday I will do futher checking to see if theres someone closer.
Because of the extremely high cost of GBC parts I sell USI machines. I prefer to sell the USI ARL machine $1300 that has variable speed, electric reverse, and cooling fans. Its less expensive than the ultimate 65, takes color coded film that elminates the which side is shiney which side is dull. OOOPS I put the film on backwards.
Like rubber heat roller ultimate 65 $ 500.00
USI under 60 bucks:) Unfortunately people do cut rollers:( 60 bucks isnt too bad, but the 500 bucks per GBC roller effectively junks the machine:(
Main board ultimate 65 $600.00
Main board USI, 100 bucks
The USI ARL is not only more affordable to buy, it comes with a 2 year warranty and lifetime telephone tech support. If theres no local dealer the telephone folks do a excellent job.
Someone from here called looking for a 4250 power switch. I was too busy its been unreal, perhaps the full moon? I will call them back monday and want to see if I have some in stock. If not Grainger had them in stock last time I checked
If I wasnt so busy I would come down and take a look and spend a couple days at the beach. I have done things like this before:)
bob haller service and sales 412 366 4906, March 2011