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How to replace Hotpoint Washing Machine WD62P Carbon Brushes ?

How do I remove and replace the carbon brushes from my Hotpoint Aquarius WD62P Washer Drier ?
Rob Dyke, February 2004
I need to put belt
on my washing marchine it hotpoint firstedition

Caroline, April 2014
Just changed the brushes on my WD62P. Not quite as easy as Struan described, but not bad....

remove the screws (x3) at the back top of the washer.
slilde the top off.

The motor is held in place by THREE bolts - one at the top tensioning the drive belt and TWO below attached to the drum. Remove the electrics connection block from the motor, unclip the connections from the brushes and unfasten the bolt holding the earthing tag - this should have removed all the electrics from the motor.

I had to take the back of the washer off to get access to the bolt heads under the motor - remove the numerous screws holding the back on and slip off. However, even when you remove all three bolts, the motor will not slip off as there is a plate on the underside front bolt housing holding the motor in place.

However, the motor will now pivot enough to (just) get access to both brushes. Swing the motor back away from the drum and slip a screwdriver behind the brush to release the clip, then pull up and off.
Swing the motor towards the drum and remove the other brush in the same way. (this is the hardest bit - there is not much space to work in and you have to have small enough tools to get the brush unclipped and pulled out). From then on it is easy - slip in the new brushes, fold back the retaining tags to release the brushes then re-assemble as a reverse of the above. One working washer-dryer.

Doobs, September 2009
I don't suppose there's much chance of getting an answer after all this time, but I am having trouble getting replacement brushes for the WM75. I am being told by various spares suppliers, including the one that Hotpoint specify in their instruction manual, that they are not a replacement item, only the whole motor!

Where did you guys get yours from?

jimmy, July 2009
I've had the dreaded E30 fault codes on my Hotpoint WM74 - at first it was the motor brushes that needed replacing but later on in its life it showed this fault code even after fitting the new brushes - it turned out to be a broken wire in the ribbon connector linking the motor to the printed circuit board, this has now happened on more than one occasion and can only be detected with a test meter. As the cable core breaks internally from fatigue caused by the constant motor movement it cannot be detected by a visual check.

Max, October 2005
We had a Hotpoint First Edition (WM11P). Rather than undoing the motor to gain access to the other brush (unless you've got a very short screwdriver to release the plastic clip, just take off the concrete block on the top (remove the two bolts, and remove the springy thing that hold it in place to remove the concrete).
Saves alot of time, and easier to do.

Dave Evans, June 2005
I have just replaced the brishes on my aquarius 1200, and it was really easy (well fairly easy). I dont know how much help the following will be, but here goes.

remove the screws (x3) at the back top of the washer.
slilde the top off.

The motor is held in place by two bolts, one to keep tension on the band, and on to keep it attached to the drum. Remove boht of these, and the motor will slide towards the back and out.

The brushes are removed by (carefully) putting a swredriver under the "flap" that holds thim in place and gently sliding them out. You may need to remove the wires first by slidingn the connectors off.

New brishes are about £16 plus p+p. I am tempted to offer to give you the new ones I have just installed as the washer still doesnt work... another fault!

Good luck!

Struan, March 2004
link Click here to see other fixes for Hotpoint Aquarius.