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No heating or hot water and no idea whats wrong !!?

I have no heating or hot water and nothing on the display of my ideal condenser boiler to indicate why, despite going through the motions of a restart. We originally thought that the outer pipe had frozen but have been on for hours with hairdryers and hot water bottles, then went through the start up procedure again - but still nothing.Usually an error code flashes up on the display but the display is just blank - Any idea what could be wrong
Tracy, December 2010
Have changed the fuse in the main power switch but havent a clue to the where abouts of any other fuses. Think I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and get in an expert - 3 days of no heating or hot water with two kids isn't great
Thanks for your help though x

Tracy, December 2010
Sounds like an electrical problem Tracey, is there a power supply to the boiler? Have you checked fuses etc? It could be so many things, but it becomes suspicious toward electrics when there are no light indicators on the panel.

Plumbo, December 2010
do you have any power to the boiler at all? could be a simple fuse blown on the fused spur!

rawplumb, December 2010