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fisher paykel smart drive 051 wont spin out?

washing machine fills washes but wont spin out how can I fix it?
Nicky Smith, August 2006
Hugh's description here was exactly my issue too, so thank you. But I wanted to add how it happened in the first place. My issue was not caused by something accidently left in clothes etc. (coins, small object), but was caused by an oversized object that I washed (a bumper from a babies crib).
Somehow (not sure how), it wore parts of the plastic lining off in to small plastic pieces that then go sucked in to the pump and blocked it. Running your hand around the inside you can feel how it is now all rough.
To fix it I removed and cleaned the pump, then put the machine back upright with a container underneath the hole where the pump was and flushed water through the bowl and it flushed about a palm size amount of bits of plastic, and now I am back in business.
So moral of the story is be careful with big objects (I also saw a youtube video where a guys did the same things with a comforter). If you do put something big in your machine keep an eye on it. If you find that you get blockage\no rinse on the next wash then there is a very good chance you have done the same as me, and a quick removal of the pump and a flush will get you up and going again.

Gordo, April 2010
Thanks Hugh, yet another satisfied customer here!
This worked exactly as you described. I checked the diagnostics and the pump wasn't working, just making a hum with no action.
I couldn't get all the water out so we tipped it on it's front outside and the spillage wasn't a problem. Ours had a metal bottom on it but we got that off with a chisel. The pump was stiff to turn (it is 15 years old so probably why), but all exactly as you said. Offending item removed and away we went again. Muchos gracios!

Melanie (Sydney), January 2010
Hugh you are spot on with your fault finding it worked for my problem as well


Rob, February 2009
Check that the pump motor isn't clogged -

Go into 'Diagnostic mode'

Press and hold Water Temperature Down button, then press Power On. The Display will change to Diagnostic Mode.

In this mode 6 min wash LED should be on
Spin LED should be on
Low water level LED should be on

Pushing the 'REGULAR' wash button should turn the pump on and off. If there is water in the bowl (add some from bucket) - it should flow out when the LED is on - if it doesn't - the pump is jammed (usually coins).

If it is -
disconnect the power
turn the machine upside down
The pump is secured by a lever on the side of the pump fitting -it's pretty obvious, pull the lever away from the pump (but first disconnect the power cable - just pull the green connector and the earth connection) - and rotate the pump motor so that it disengages and lift out - remove rubbish - teddy bear's eyes, cufflinks, keys, coins, and bits of old rug - make sure that the rotor on the pump rotates freely, and that there is nothing left in the cavity.

Replace pump - rotating it until it is back into its original

Reconnect the power cable

Put the machine upright

and it should be fine.

Bye the way - Fisher and Paykel washing machines MUST be turned off at the wall when you are finished - especially in humid environments - failure to do do results in eventual destruction of the 'out of balance' switch and/or the motor position detector. Both are expensive and unnecessary repairs. Being 'always on' also wastes money and electricity (even though there is no light which warns you that it is in fact ON!).

(other useful buttons in Diagnostic mode) -
Wash Temp down - Cold water valve
Wash temp up - Hot water valve.
Reaching under the top splash sheet - to the right - you will feel the 'out of balance' switch - pushing it away from the tub should make the 4 min wash LED come on (push the whole tub to the right hand rear corner).

If you have a friendly F and P installer, ask for the 'Diagnostic Info Sheet' - it's about 10 pages long)., August 2006