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Internet access - new pc help!?

I purchased a new Packard Bell PC from Curry's back in April and have never been able to access the internet. It does connect but I can't access any web pages. I've tried 4 different ISP's, taken it back to store and updated drivers but have had no success. Any ideas??? I know it's not a problem with the phone line as I connect no problem on a laptop.
Anita Marshall, August 2003
It could be a corrupt TCP/IP Stack - I've seen this problem a couple of times, the symptoms being apparent successful connection to the ISP, but with out being able to use email, use messenger, browse the web etc.

To reinstall TCP/IP:

For Windows XP, open a command prompt (Start->Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt) and type "netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt" (More detail - Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 299357)

For Windows 95/98, follow the following instructions - please note you will probably need to have your original Windows 95/98 Setup disk.

Not sure if it is any different for Windows ME & Windows 2000... Hope this helps. :-)

Phil Hull, October 2003
link Click here to see other fixes for Packard Bell.