I found the answer my self in a old work shop manual Hope it will help someone like me.
Torque Setting Diesel Fordson
Mains are 60 / 70 Ibs
Big ends are 55/60 Ibs
Head bolts were 60/70 Ibs ,But changed to 80/85 Ibs
Fly wheel bolts 80/90 Ibs
Valve clearance ex and inl 15 thow (warm)
Oil pressure 35-40 Ibs./sq.in at approx 1500 r.p.m
Compression ratio 16:1
B.H.P (max) at 1,600 r.p.m 40.3
Cubic capacity 3610 c.c (220 cu.ins.)
Will, March 2011
I can answer this question...
fordson major diesel mains,big ends.head,torque setting IBs?