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Saniflo Slim problem?

Hi, when my Saniflo has finished flushing , it syphons most of the water out of the pan and also the after flushing the linkage jams in the open position so the water keeps running down the pan. Cheers . Rob
Rob Henderson, March 2011
Just a thought before fitting an anti vac device to the discharge pipe
have you checked that the carbon filter has had the plastic bag taken off if fitted or the machines air vent pipe is not blocked restricted ?

As the WC is flushed air must escape from the Saniflo or it wont empty the pan then when the machine pumps it must suck in air through the vent or it will suck the water seal in the pan dry.

The problem with the flush link is a seperate issue and must be fixed urgently the Saniflo machine is not constant run and when it reaches maximum temprature the cut out will opperate and cause the machine to flood. so turn off the water to the WC and get that fixed or as David nicely put it the machine will burn out.

Muncher, November 2014
Not sure what linkage you mean when you say the linkage jams but it sounds as though you need to get that fixed because if water keeps running down the pan then the other symtom you will be gettting is that the saniflo comes on regularly by itself, this will be putting extra work on the unit and will void your warranty and cause your saniflo to burn out sooner than later. As for the Syphoning, I assume the saniflo is on a floor above the ground floor and the outlet pipe from the saniflo go down not up, you simply need to put a air brake valve on the highest point of the outlet pipe to brake the syphonig when it starts, that is normally a really easy job providing you have good access to the pipe

David, April 2011