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blocked toilet?

my toilet I plunge it and it is ok for awhile then blocks again? drains super slow sometimes. Everyone is talking about mop and plastic bag method, does the mop have to be wet? Can somone post a youtube vidoe of how this is done?
skiman, March 2011
Before you create a wet mess inside the house check outside for an inspection pit - if you have one lift the lid and look inside - then you will know where the blockage is.

If you use a mop with a bag over the head it would help for the mop to be wet - you will be trying to fill the outflow from the pan to push any obstruction through the pipework.

If the inspection pit reveals a blockage it will be in the outflow pipe pointing towards the street. Try first with a flexible stick to pull the obstruction back into the pit - pushing may just make it worse. I use a 6foot length of plumbing barrier pipe - takes me 5 mins now I have the technique.

Good luck...

Peccavi, March 2011