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MAC 2816 won't keep running?

My MAC has never run well. It runs for 5-15 seconds, but will not stay running. Sometimes it runs for 1 min and every once in a while it will go to full throttle, then start coughing and sputtreing. Acts like bad gas. I dumped what was in it and replaced with new... same action. Is there a fuel filter that needs to be cleaned? Any other thoughts?
Jim Shortridge, September 2006
I just replaced my fuel line as well but started having this running problem - you can purchase fuel line from any home depot or Lowes. I think I will try the other line to see if it has some breaks or cracks.

Karl, September 2006
My MAC 2816 won't keep running either. Everytime I crank it, it will run for about 10 to 15 seconds. After inspecting the vinyl fuel line, I discovered that it was cracked and not supplying consistent pressure to the carb. I'm looking now for where and how to replace the fuel line coming from the fuel tank.

Ed, September 2006