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My Hoover Washing Machine leaks from the dispensing drawer?

The washing machine appears to leak from the powder dispensing drawer.Reducing the load in the machine and reducing the water pressure have not had any affect
Kevan Key, March 2004
hoover washing machine leaks from filter at base to release coins etc. not wet on pipes, underneath or anywhere else

jake, June 2013
My Hoover Aristocrat (some hopes!) had a leaking soap drawer. The basic problem is that the jet in the back of the drawer box is aimed at the front of the drawer, presumably to ensure that the soap gets cleared. Putting a restrictor in reduces the problem, but then the drawer doesn't get cleared.

What is needed is a series of vertical and/or nearly vertical down-pointing jets. Achieve this by drilling two or three rows of 2 mm holes over the first 150 mm of a length of 8 mm copper or brass tube (get it from a plumbing/gas supplier or good model shop). The total length of the tube needs to be about 280 mm. Close off the end close to the drilled section with a capillary soldered pipe end stop, a wood or metal plug, or squash it in a vice, put one fold in it an squash again. Put a slight bend in the pipe about 200 mm from the closed end to suit the angle of the entry pipe in the soap box. Feed the pipe through the box and out of the entry pipe. If the bore of the entry pipe in the soap box is too small, open it out to 8 mm, to allow the new pipe to slide in it. Push the rubber water supply pipe over the copper/brass tude and back on to the original soapbox inlet pipe.

Place a plastic "squeeze" type pipeclip on the rubber supply pipe to ensure that it seals on to the copper pipe. The rubber pipe will be too big to self-seal on the copper pipe, that is why the clip is necessary. It will self-seal as originally fitted on the soapbox inlet pipe.

I modded the cold fill sectiuon of my machine in this way several years ago and the problem has never re-ocurred.

Cost - nominal!

Peter, December 2004
The hoover new wave & classica models the only way to stop the water leak from the dispenser draw is a new door mod kit.
Which is a whole new dispenser unit with the soap powder draw( no draw front) included in the kit & a new cold water reducer.
I am an washing machine engineer for 15 years & have replaced hundreds of them.

ian ( domesticmachines ), August 2004
i have a Whirlpool that also does this.
If you take out the drawer and look inside you amy find that the water holes could be blocked by dirt. Cleaning these out stops mine leaking for another few months.

But I do agree, if the drawer had a seal then we wouldn't be here

Jay, May 2004
Quite a few Hoover washing machines leak from the soap dispenser drawer. The worst models recently have been the Classica and the new wave models.

Sometimes it's very hard to stop it but the main thing to try is turning down the water pressure on the hot and cold water taps.

Sometimes you can't fix it without fitting a whole new soap dispenser and drawe but it's expensive.

Andy, April 2004
I have the same problem with my Hoover machine, after physically sitting in front of the washing machine while it was running and looking out for the leak I discovered that it isn't a leak as such. Because the drawer doesn't have a water tight seal around it evaporated water from the hot wash cylce cools around the drawer and drips out, unless you add a rubber seal around it there is nothing you can do, it's a design fault.

John Taggart, April 2004
link Click here to see other fixes for Hoover.