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I think I might have unistalled yahoo how do I get it back?

I think I might have uninstalled yahoo. I have tried everything I can think of. Do you know what I can do?
Misty, September 2006
Doing a system restore is over kill, you just need to reinstall whatever it is you uninstalled.

What do you actually mean by "unistalled yahoo" though? Do you mean the Yahoo Messenger chat program, the Yahoo toolbar for your web browser, the Yahoo web browser that comes with some Internet Service Providors or the Yahoo Commicator that comes with BT broadband?

If you uninstalled Yahoo Messenger go to then click on "Get it now" and follow the insructions.

I suggest putting more details when you want help from people.

Jim Bob, September 2006
well done, who wants yahoo anyway lol.
if you seriously want it back try "Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore"

Gary, September 2006