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What is wrong with my Hotpoint 9556 - Error code E30 is displayed?

What is possibily wrong with my Hotpoint 1200 microProfile Model 9556.

It displays E30 as soon after starting a wash/spin cycle. ?
HC, March 2004
Something similar with another model
E30 code - needed new brushes

wilsie, June 2004
i have fixed a 9560 on several occasions and the problem related to the main board (right hand side top) where there is a relay which kept burning out its solder joints due to the legs being cut too short.
the only other thing i can think of is the brushes need replacing but i can`t remember if that creates an error message.
if you`re in the s w london area or sheffield i`d be happy to take a look at it.

C M L, May 2004
link Click here to see other fixes for Hotpoint.