From FAQs for this phone: First thing that should be attempted would be contacting your local Phone Company. Just to make sure that there is not an interruption in the service. If the Phone Company is sending the signal but the name and number are not coming up, double-check the connection. The phone line from the wall jack should be connected to the caller ID labeled LINE or PHONE LINE. The phone line from the caller ID labeled TEL LINE should be connected to the phone or answering machine. If everything is connected correctly and the Phone Company is sending the signal but the name and number are not being displayed, the reset procedures should be attempted. If reset has already been attempted, then the unit should be returned to the service center for replacement. If you have the receipt dated within the last 13 months, send the entire unit with a copy of the receipt to the service center. If you do not have a receipt appropriate fees will apply.
Joe Verdi, December 2005