If it will boot to DOS or at least the hardware allocation screen, try obtaining a boot disk for your operating system. If the computer won't even turn on, it may be something as simple as a loose power cable. If it still won't turn on, may be the power supply. Also, try replacing the button-cell battery on the CMOS chip
*reads again*
Hmmm maybe your HD reader head got stuck to the platter on cooldown, try hooking up the hard drive as a master on another machine and see if it boots, if it boots in another computer, then, most likely something burned out on your motherboard. If not, try hooking up the HD as a slave on another machine, and if you can get into it, backup all your data as soon as possible. That's about all I can think of, but if you narrow down the problem to a few other things, you can post it here
Neil, March 2004