It's also known as multi level marketing (MLM).
Your potential usualy depends on where you find yourself in the affiliate chain, and your local market potential. Near the top, some big earnings are certainly possible. The problem is that you start at the very bottom of the chain and need to work your way up by adding rungs and branches under you or taking over the market share of someone above you.
If you are lucky, and in some cases have a cut throat attitude, you can make it a living, if you are unlucky, you can loose money.
I personaly lost money in a similar venue.
Always carefully read the contract, especialy the fine prints.
If you need to make a substential initial investment, back off.
If you are bound to make reriodic purchases, run away like hell!
If you can't read/access the contract before you sign in, you are doomed.
In a way, it can resemble the illegal piramidal sheme. The only difference been that you participate in the marketing of some real product, making it legal.
Kuälinar, December 2011